‘Tide Me Over’ food distribution expanding to all Stockbridge schools
Information from Stockbridge Community Outreach
Stockbridge Community Outreach plans to resume and expand its “Tide Me Over” (TMO) food distribution program throughout Stockbridge Community Schools this fall. The program sends home a weekly bag of shelf-stable food for children in food-insecure households in the Stockbridge Community Schools district, helping to fill the “food gap” for students and families.
TMO is aimed at families who qualify for the Free and Reduced Price School Meals program, although any family who can use extra food assistance can apply as well.
Aware of the positive impact of TMO at the elementary schools, staff members at the Jr/Sr High School asked about expanding the program to their students. Outreach volunteer Sherry Bush agreed to take on the role as Jr/Sr High TMO coordinator. Smith Elementary and Heritage School TMO students will once again be served by volunteer coordinators Cheryl Holloway (Smith) and Judy and Hailey Esper (Heritage).
At Smith Elementary and Heritage schools, the TMO program will begin sending home food bags on Friday, Sept. 17, for those who have signed up for the program. Jr/Sr High School students will be able to bring home their first food bags on Friday, Oct. 1.
The “Tide Me Over” program is supported by area churches, businesses, individuals, grants and community groups. For more information about how to enroll in the program, please contact your school office or Stockbridge Community Outreach at 517-851-7285.

“Tide Me Over” 2021-22 coordinators are from left: Cheryl Holloway (Smith Elementary), Sherry Bush (Jr/Sr High School), and Hailey and Judy Esper (Heritage School). Photo credit: Jo Mayer