Update from Stockbridge InvenTeam in American Samoa

Aug. 18. Teacher Bob Richards emailed Stockbridge Community News with an update on the InvenTeam’s trip to American Samoa. In his message, he wrote:

“We are out in American Samoa now. Today is our final setup day for the teacher workshop we are conducting along with the Marine Advanced Technology Education Center (MATE) this week. The kids posted some great photos to Facebook last night if you would like to post an update on our trip. We are expecting 28 to 30 local educators to attend our workshop which will be held at the National Marine Sanctuary of American Samoa’s Ocean Center.

“In addition to local high school and middle school educators we will also have instructors from American Samoa Community College and American Samoa’s Department of Education.

“Officials from the Office of National Marine Sanctuaries at NOAA Headquarters will also be observing the workshop.”