Update with new entries: Best lessons learned from Mom, in honor of Mother’s Day. These contributors get an A+ for effort!

Photo credit: Aditya Romansa, unsplash.com
compiled by Mary Jo David
To celebrate Mother’s Day, the Stockbridge Community News reached out to area residents to ask about the important lessons they’ve learned from their moms over the years. Following are their contributions.
“The most important thing my mother has taught me is how to be humble and kind. Not just to people I know, but to everyone, new friends, old friends, and even people that are not kind to me. It’s a great way to look at life.” —Joe Spence, Stockbridge
“My Mom has always shown me the importance of making friends and family feel at home when entertaining. Good food, good people lead to good memories.” —Lisa Reppenhagan, Gregory
“Oh, my! I haven’t thought about that in a while. Maybe to listen, and to think, and to give a sensible response to a tough situation. Regrettably, my mouth still flies off the handle and gets me in trouble! She did her best!” —Janine Falk, Stockbridge
“Two things that I greatly admired about my mother-in-law, Joan: She was so appreciative and happy to get whatever gift was given to her and always found a way to praise the giver. Also, without fail, she included everyone in family events by finding little jobs for each person to do…From having the youngest say the blessing at dinner, to bringing a dish to pass, to lighting the candles on the table. It was such a little thing, but made us all feel a part of the family.” —Jo Mayer, Munith
“By her example, my own mom taught me how to be organized—as the mother of eight kids, she had to be organized—and to contribute to the community by volunteering her time and talents. She also made it clear that she expected me to go to college, though I would be the first in the family to gain a bachelor’s, then master’s, degree. And in her later years, she served on a school board, volunteered to visit shut-ins, and helped at a place very much like Stockbridge Community Outreach.” —Jo Mayer, Munith
“The main things I learned from my mother were the family recipes she passed down. Between my mother and my grandmother, I learned a lot about raising flowers too. I also think my love of music must have come from my mother. She played for the silent movie theater here in Stockbridge at one time, and she put herself through U of M by playing piano. I took piano lessons, but I didn’t take to it at all. In school I was a drummer, and then I played accordion. I do love music!” —Dorene White, Stockbridge
“Patience…and the everyday life skills for making do with things that we had. I was not raised in a throw-away world. Through my mother, I learned that when I have something leftover, I need to think about what I can make out of it. Crocheting and embroidery were two skills I learned from her. I also knit and sew, which helps too.” —Nila Whitehead, Gregory
“What I remember most about my mother is how much she loved me. We’d even go hunting together; she taught me how to hunt squirrel. After my father died in 1969, I was the oldest, and she trusted me with her estate. That was very special to me.” —Alvin (“Al”) Holcomb, Gregory
“My mother always taught us to respect others and to do the best we can in every situation.” —Chris Rowe, Gregory
“My mom taught me to get up and get going! At 7a.m. on Saturday mornings, no matter how late I’d worked the night before, she’d come into my room and say, ‘What’re ya gonna do, sleep the day away?’” —Michael Fouts, Stockbridge.