VILLAGE OF STOCKBRIDGE Council Meeting – July 1, 2019 SYNOPSIS
Meeting called to order by President Howlett at 7:00 pm.
Roll Call: PRESENT: President Molly Howlett, Pro-Tem Frederick Cattell, Trustee Richard Mullins, Trustee Chadwick Quintanilla, Trustee Kim Morehouse, ABSENT: Trustee Greg Uihlein, Trustee Heath Corey;
Others Present: Debbie Nogle, Village Clerk, Johnnie Torres, Police Chief, John Gormley, Village Attorney, Citizens were also present
Pledge of Allegiance President Howlett led the pledge of allegiance.
Approval of Agenda MOTION by Quintanilla, SUPPORTED by Cattell to approve the July 1, 2019 agenda as presented by Clerk Nogle. Motion carried with unanimous ayes.
Approval of Minutes MOTION by Quintanilla, SUPPORTED by Mullins to approve the minutes of June 3, 2019 as amended; correct Daryll Anderson’s role in the Right of Way discussion. Motion carried with unanimous ayes.
Public Comment – None.
FINANCIAL REPORT: Accounts Payable MOTION by Quintanilla SUPPORTED by Cattell, APPROVED; the accounts payable as presented by Clerk Nogle. AYES: Quintanilla, Cattell, Mullins, Morehouse, Howlett; NAYS: None ABSENT: Uihlein, Corey MOTION PASSED
President Report– Due to the problems with the generators and not being maintained, the Village entered into a maintenance agreement with Cummins. – Brian Mason will start work on various projects in the village – Bank parking lot received its first coat of asphalt and can be used.
Police Report – Police Chief Torres gave his report. School Resource Officer MOTION by Quintanilla, SUPPORTED by Cattell, APPROVED; authorize the Stockbridge Police Department Police Chief Johnnie Torres to enter into an agreement with Stockbridge School District for a School Resource Officer, pending a review of the contract by Village Attorney, John Gormley.AYES: Quintanilla, Cattell, Mullins, Morehouse, Howlett NAYES: None ABSENT: Uihlein, Corey MOTION PASSES;
NEW BUSINESS Thomas Husby Land Locked Property Discussion Thomas Husby purchased property located at 350 S. Water Street, parcel number 33-42-16-26-165-001. Mr. Husby requested that the village review his proposal of allowing an easement off S. Williams Street to be able gain entrance to his property. Village Council will review potential locations of S. Williams Street. Water Meter Proposed Ordinance Howlett discussed a proposed Water Meter Ordinance recommended by David Author Consultants to clear up the language of the village making entry into homes/businesses for water meter repairs. The Village Attorney and Clerk Nogle will meet and review to make sure there are no duplicate language that may interfere with sections of village’s current ordinance. Ordinance: To Adopt the Construction Board of Appeals MOTION by Quintanilla, SUPPORTED by Corey, APPROVED; an Ordinance to Amend Chapter 2 to Add Chapter VIII Regarding the Scope and Construction of Regulations, Adoption, of Building Codes, Municipal Standards, And Creation of Village Construction Board of Appeals.AYES: Quintanilla, Corey, Cattell, Mullins, Morehouse, Howlett NAYES: Uihlein ABSENT: None MOTION PASSES
Unfinished Business -NONE Public Comment – There were comments made by the public. Council Member Comments: Trustee Morehouse discussed the deer population problem in the village.
ADJOURNMENTMOTION by Quintanilla, SUPPORTED by Cattell, APPROVED to adjourn the Council Meeting at 8:08pm.
Respectfully submitted:
Debbie Nogle, Village Clerk