Village of Stockbridge Council Meeting, Minutes Synopsis, April 1

Meeting called to order by President Howlett at 7:00 pm.

Roll Call: PRESENT: President Molly Howlett, Pro-Tem Frederick Cattell, Trustee Greg Uihlein, Trustee Richard Mullins, ABSENT: Trustee Heath Corey, Trustee Chadwick Quintanilla, Trustee Patrick Harden;

Others Present: Debbie Nogle, Village Clerk, Johnnie Torres, Police Chief, Citizens were also present.

Pledge of Allegiance President Howlett led the pledge of allegiance.

Approval of Agenda MOTION by Cattell SUPPORTED by Mullins to approve the April 1, 2019 agenda as presented. Motion carried with unanimous ayes.

Approval of Minutes MOTION by Cattell, SUPPORTED by Uihlein to approve the minutes of March 4, 2019 as presented. Motion carried with unanimous ayes.

Public Comment– None.

PROCLAMATION: President Howlett introduced Eagle Scout Alexander Michael Stefan Sanford and read aloud his proclamation achievement.

2019 SDDA Plan Amendment:  MOTION by Cattell, SUPPORTED by Mullins, APPROVED; Ordinance 2019-04.001 an Ordinance to Adopt and Approve the 2019 Amendment to the Village of Stockbridge Downtown Development Authority’s Development Plan Pursuant to the Act 51 Public Acts of Michigan of 2018, as Amended.. AYES: Cattell, Mullins, Uihlein, Howlett NAYS: NONE ABSENT: Harden, Quintanilla, Corey MOTION PASSES

FINANCIAL REPORT: Accounts Payable MOTION by Uihlein SUPPORTED by Mullins APPROVED; the accounts payable as presented by Clerk Nogle. AYES: Mullins, Uihlein, Cattell, Howlett  NAYS: None  ABSENT:  Harden, Quintanilla, Corey MOTION PASSED

President Report President Howlett – Elizabeth Street Culvert Grant Request was completed by David Artur Consultants and sent to MDOT for approval. (3) Aerators were returned from being repaired and will be installed back into the lagoons soon. Police Report– Police Chief Torres gave his report.

NEW BUSINESS Special Assessments-Utility Bills MOTION by Corey, SUPPORTED by Uihlein, APPROVED;  resolution approving the Delinquent Utility Bills to be Placed as a Lien Against the Premises Issued by the Tax Assessing Officer on the Tax Rolls. AYES: Uihlein, Mullins, Cattell, Howlett NAYES: NONE ABSENT: Corey, Quintanilla, Harden MOTION PASSES

Public Comment-  There were comments made by the public.

ADJOURNMENT MOTION by Cattell, SUPPORTED by Uihlein, APPROVED to adjourn the Council Meeting at 8:04pm.

Respectfully submitted:

Debbie Nogle, Village Clerk