Waterloo Farm Museum celebrates Log Cabin Day
by Arlene Kaiser
With all the rain, tornado warnings and hot weather, you would think it would have been a terrible idea to have an outdoor event. But like the pioneers that came before us, we never give up. The event called “Blacksmiths, Soldiers & Log Cabin Weekend” went on June 26 and June 27, the rain stopped, and it turned out to be a beautiful weekend.
So many of the guests had never been to the Waterloo Farm Museum before. It was a great opportunity for us to tell them about the museum and the historical significance of the area. And it has a long history, from the time of Native American trails, to LaSalle and his men camping on the property in the 1600s, to the present-day preservation of the Realy Farm into a museum.
We had 11 blacksmiths, several Civil War encampments and displays, and of course the Log House was open.
Several vendors were on hand with their wares. Artisan blacksmiths, Robbins Farms with honey and maple syrup, Broom maker Lyndsey Morlock and Beverly Larsen’s Sox set up on the grounds to name a few.
On Saturday, June 26, Linda Hass, author of “Michigan’s Crossroad to Freedom: Underground Railroad in Jackson County,” spoke to a large crowd about the Underground Railroad and the importance of the homes and businesses in Jackson County that provided a sanctuary for the people escaping slavery who were heading north. The book is available in the museum gift shop.
Because so many beautiful photos were taken of the event, “a photo is worth a thousand words”, comes to mind. Check out the Facebook page at facebook.com/WaterlooFarmMuseum/ to view the events.
The Waterloo Farm Museum is located at 13493 Waterloo-Munith Road.
For more info, call 517-596-2254 or see waterloofarmmuseum.org.
Photos provided by Nikki Wood Photography
To see more wonderful Blacksmith, Soldiers, and Log Cabin Weekend photos by Nikki Wood click on the link below.