Waterloo Township Board Meeting Unapproved Minutes

25 September 2018    7:00 P.M.

9773 Mt. Hope Road

Munith, MI 49259

Call to Order:  7:00 p.m.

Present:  Lance, Walz, Kitley, McAlister, Morency.  Also present: 5 residents.

Public Comment:  Both Rose LaForest and Lisa Conant spoke to the board expressing their dissatisfaction with the way the Board and the Planning Commission handled the Broadband issue and that the Board voted to not accept any of the 4 Feasibility Study quotes that were submitted. They felt it was wrong to ignore the 273 signatures that had been submitted in favor of the Broadband effort.  Sheila Conant turned in a written copy of her remarks.

Consent Agenda:  Kitley motioned with support from Walz to accept the consent agenda as presented. Aye/all; no/ none.  Motion carried.  Charlie Barnum expressed the fact that building is slowing down.  There was also a brief discussion about a security camera system for the buildings, due to location and lack of police coverage. We will seek 3 bids on the system.

Correspondence:  Lance read the information sent by Bill Fahey from our law firm, including a copy of the letter that will be going to the Department of Transportation regarding new road signs and locations and State laws.  He also read the FOIA submitted by a law firm regarding Extraction companies.  We believe the only one we have to have information for is one of our Aggregate extraction companies.

Old Business:  None

New Business:

  • Morency stated that the Planning Commission looked over the official zoning map signed by Lance and Kitley. Also looking over commercial solar farm, definition and ordinance planning.  They are looking at Air B & Bs and what needs to be addressed in a new ordinance regarding these new uses for property.
  • Lance motioned with support from Kitley to approve the Land Combination application submitted by Michael and Robin Dahl of 3 parcels: 000-05-25-376-002-10 with 25.01 acres; 000-05-36-126-002-01 with 3 acres and 000-05-36-126-002-02 with 3 acres resulting in a single new parcel, 000-05-36-126-002-05 with a total of 31.01 acres and frontage on Jefferson Street which intersects with Clear Lake Road. Aye/all; no/none.  Motion carried.
  • Lance motioned with support from McAlister to approve the Land Division application from Greg A. and Cindy L. Larson for parent parcel #0002-10-05-301-001-04 resulting in two parcels: 000-10-05-301-001-17 with 1.03 acres and 000-10-05-301-001-16 with the remaining 8.71 acres.  Aye/all; no/none.  Motion carried.
  • Lance motioned with support from Walz to approve the Land Division application from Marilyn Katz, parent parcel 000-05-07-126-001-00 resulting in two parcels: 000-05-07-126-001-04 with 3 acres and 000-05-07-126-001-03 with the remaining 74 acres.  Aye/all; no/none.  Motion carried.
  • Walz stated that the Parks and Recreation committee has submitted their grant application for $500 to Consumers Energy Group.The money if given will cover some work on the walking path that will be surrounding the Town Hall. They also have another grant that is available and will be working on that.  There are looking over their Parks Master Plan to make sure they have everything current.  It’s necessary to apply for further grants.  Carmen Burgess, newest member of the Parks and RecreationCommittee, attended a Jackson County Parks meeting.  They determined it would cost about $800,000 to make updates for Portage Lake County   The Committee is looking at putting 2 trash cans and maybe 2 benches around our walking path.  They looking to other options to get more money.

Other Business That Comes Before The Board:

Public Comment:  Morency addressed the earlier public comment: She does not agree with the public comments made earlier about the Board and the Planning Commission.  Based on the quotes we rejected the bids.  She feels we were patient and there were no backdoor meetings.  We’ve been fair and have listened to public comments.  Because we have a low tax base, we cannot support internet, trash service or other services.  Beals stated that the Board did not turn down the feasibility study, only the bids because they were too high.  Signatures were supportive of having a faster internet service not the feasibility study. Heatley stated that if Lyndon Township proves to be very successful in their adopting the Broadband effort in three years or so, maybe we could look at it again.

Adjournment:  Walz motioned with support from McAlister to adjourn at 8:03 p.m. Aye/all; no/none. Motion carried.

The next Planning Commission meeting will be on Tuesday, October16, 2018 at 7:00 p.mThe next regular Board meeting will be on Tuesday, October 23, 2018 at 7:00 p.m.  Minutes will be published in the Stockbridge Community News at the end of each month, on our website at www.waterlootwpmi.comand on our Facebook page at: waterlootownshipmichigan

Submitted by: Janice Kitley, Clerk

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