Waterloo Township Board Meeting Unapproved Minutes October 26, 2021

Call to Order and Pledge: 7:00 p.m.

Present:  Lance, Morency, Walz, McAlister, Kitley, and 10 residents.  Also attending: Our Jackson County Sheriff Deputy Jim Moore.

Public Comment: Garth Hannewald spoke of his displeasure for the way Planning Commission handled the change of zoning request from Glenn Farm Seeds and that it was done improperly and the length of time it took to make a decision.  Sharon Houck commended the Board for the way they are serving and handling the community.

Consent Agenda: Kitley motioned with support from Walz to accept the consent agenda as presented.  Aye/all; no/none.   Motion carried.  Kitley motioned with support from Walz to pay the bills as listed on the Post Audit report in the amount of $ 6,207.61.   Roll call vote:  Yes/ Kitley, Lance, Morency, McAlister, Walz.    No/none.  Motion carried. There was a police report for September given by Deputy Moore.   Deputies assigned to Waterloo Township responded to 15 complaints, Sheriff’s office had 19 calls for service.   The Sheriff’s office responded to a total of 34 calls for service.  Michigan State Police responded to 15 calls for service.

Correspondence:  Lance read a letter from State of Michigan Department of Treasury stating that our Audit of Minimum Assessing  received a perfect score and thanked us for our cooperation throughout this process.

Old Business:  The Halloween Parade taking place in Munith on October 30th at 2:00 was discussed briefly.

New Business:  Walz stated that the Parks and Recreation committee members met and they are still working on the rain garden plans.  They also discussed a page on Instagram.  Some work has been done moving dirt to prepare the spot for the rain garden.   They have had some work done on the Christmas Decorations checking lights and setting aside those that need new lights.  They will be using LED lights.   Morency stated they entered into closed session regarding the rezoning request from Glenn Farm Seeds and said they had denied the rezoning.   Ordinances for solar farms and panels have been updated on the website. Lance talked about the 1-year and 5-year contracts with the Jackson County Sheriff for keeping a deputy in our Township.  It depends on the millage vote outcome on November 2, 2021.

The following were action items addressed at the meeting:

  • Lance motioned with support from Kitley to approve the Land Division for Keith Haglund Parent Parcel #000-05-33-476-001-01 resulting in new Parent Parcel #000-05-33-476-001-03 35.7 acres; Split parcel #000-05-33-476-001-04, 5.3 acres; and Split parcel #000-05-33-476-001-05 12.3 acres. Yes/all; no none.  Motion carried
  • Lance motioned with support from Walz to sign the 5-year contract with Applied Imaging for a new Canon DX C3835 copier at a cost of $167.25 per month. Roll call vote:  Lance, Morency, McAlister, Walz, Kitley.  No/none.  Motion carried.

Other Business That Comes Before The Board:

  • Lance motioned with support from McAlister to accept the bid from Pathway Landscape for snow plowing as presented. Roll call vote:  Yes/Morency, McAlister, Walz, Kitley, Lance.  No/none.  Motion carried.
  • Kitley motioned with support from McAlister to accept the raise of cost from Dust & Dirt Cleaning for cleaning of hall and offices. Roll call vote:  Yes/McAllister, Walz, Kitley, Lance, Morency.  No/none.  Motion carried.

Public Comment:  Dave Wesner asked if the Board would be taking a stance on the redistricting that is currently being worked on connecting Waterloo Township with the north part of Washtenaw County and a portion of Ann Arbor.  Lance said we would be talking with our legal counsel regarding the mapping.  Catherine Upton asked about updates to the Clear Lake Park.

Adjournment:  Walz motioned with support from McAlister to adjourn at 7:46 p.m.

The next Planning Commission meeting will be Tuesday November 16, 2021 at 7:00 p.m.  The next regular board meeting will be on November 23, 2021 at 7:00 p.m.  Minutes will be published in the Stockbridge Community News at the end of each month, on our website waterlootwpmi.com and on our Facebook page at: waterlootownshipmichigan.

Submitted by: Janice Kitley, Clerk