Waterloo Township Board Unapproved Meeting Minutes
Waterloo Township Board Unapproved Meeting Minutes
22 January 2019 7:00 P.M.
9773 Mt. Hope Road
Munith, MI 49259
Call to Order: 7:00 p.m.
Present: Lance, Walz, Kitley, McAlister, Morency. Also present: 4 residents.
Public Comment: None.
Consent Agenda: Kitley motioned with support from Walz to accept the consent agenda as presented. Aye/all; no/none. Motion carried.
Correspondence: None
Old Business: Walz gave a report on the Parks and Recreation Committee meeting. There have been some donations that will cover seed for the path. Lester Brothers have been chosen to do the work on the path and will begin the work in early spring. She has also attended a workshop on grant writing for the DNR grants.
New Business:
- Morency stated that the Planning Commission had a guest at the meeting on January 15. The guest was Hank Love, a consultant regarding the solar industry. He had been given drafts of the solar farm ordinance. There were some changes to the ordinance that is in progress. Wetlands were discussed. Uses allowed on agricultural land, including weddings, etc. Additional small towers for internet/phone will be added to larger poles. The DNR may be purchasing more properties through the State. We don’t know how that will affect us. Rental housing is also being discussed at the State level. Beals stated that the small antennas for cells phones/internet installed on larger poles cannot be ruled through the township. The law firm is working on paperwork regarding this
- Kitley motioned with support from McAlister to accept the insurance bid from Walton Agency for the year February 1, 2019 through January 31, 2020 in the amount of $13,082. Roll call vote: Yes/Morency, McAlister, Walz, Kitley, Lance. No/none. Motion carried.
- According to Walz, Mt. Hope Road will be resurfaced this Spring/Summer. We are still working on getting the Truck Ordinance that we approved to be accepted by the Department of Transportation. We have a lawyer working on it.
- The emergency siren in Munith will need replacing soon and we will look into sharing the cost with Henrietta Township because it benefits many of their residents also.
- The Township Audit went very well. Our auditor suggested putting the amount of $46,227 which is still in the police account into the General Fund. It still will only be able to be used for police purposes should we ever have police coverage again. Kitley motioned with support from Morency to transfer the $46,227 in the Police Fund to the General Fund to be appropriated only for police purposes. Aye/all; no/none. Motion carried.
Other Business That Comes Before The Board: There was discussion on a potential zoning issue coming up in the Township. It will be looked into further.
Public Comment: Beals said his comments to Planning Commission were focused on Land Use at the last meeting but that there were a number of things that were voted on at the end of the Governor’s term that will affect the Township, including FOIA laws, elections, Assessing and others. We will be hearing more about them soon.
Adjournment: Walz motioned with support from McAlister to adjourn at 7:45 p.m. Aye/all; no/none. Motion carried.
The next Planning Commission meeting will be on Tuesday, February 19, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. The next regular Board meeting will be on Tuesday, February 26, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. Minutes will be published in the Stockbridge Community News at the end of each month, on our website at www.waterlootwpmi.com and on our Facebook page at: waterlootownshipmichigan.
Submitted by: Janice Kitley, Clerk