Waterloo Township Board Unapproved Meeting Minutes
26 February 2019 7:00 P.M.
9773 Mt. Hope Road
Munith, MI 49259
Call to Order: 7:00 p.m.
Present: Lance, Walz, Kitley, McAlister, Morency. Also present: 6 residents and Charlie Barnum, Building Inspector.
Public Comment: Jim Moss asked the board to start the process for a speed study on Portage Lake Road from Seymour to Schrah Drive. There is too much speeding through the area and a lot of foot traffic. Charity Steere asked for following the legal process with Aggregate Industries regarding the natural beauty road.
Consent Agenda: Kitley motioned with support from Walz to approve the consent agenda as presented. Aye/all; no/none. Motion carried.
Correspondence: None
Old Business: Walz gave a report on the Parks and Recreation Committee meeting. There is the possibility of monthly events at the Township such as a farm market, local businesses bringing in their products for people to see, and a free library service. She also mentioned that April 22nd is Earth Day and there will be work being done with new Items in the Munith Park at 4:30. They are looking for volunteers.
New Business:
- Morency stated that the Planning Commission had a request from Beals to remove the standing microphones s on the table and replace them with mobile mics instead. There will be a public hearing at 7:00 on April 16th regarding the solar farms, onsite and commercial solar farms. The small wireless communications systems wording is on hold now waiting for the law firm to look it over. Looking at items concerning ordinance wording, such as definition of family, maybe using household, contract zoning and zoning compliance permits. Beal is looking at State laws to keep everyone informed on various subjects. Small cell towers are not under our jurisdiction. The Planning Commission is still working on and reviewing Article 4.
- Walz motioned with support from McAlister to change the pay of the Deputy Treasurer salary from $400 a month to $12 an hour beginning April 1, 2019. Aye/all; no/none. Motion carried.
- Lance motioned with support from Morency to advertise for and hire a handyman to work on as needed basis at $20 an hour. Aye/all; no/none. Motion carried.
- We will be putting an ad in the paper and online taking bids for cleaning the Township building and hall.
- Lance spoke of formally requesting a speed study and it will need to be done through the County Engineer and crossroads Seymour and Schrah Drive will need to be given.
- Lance motioned with support from McAlister to enter a request for a speed study between Seymour and Schrah Drive. Aye/all; no/none. Motion carried.
- Walz motioned with support from McAlister to purchase a new server from I.T. Right at a cost of $5,698 including labor/installation. Roll call vote: Yes/Kitley, Lance, Morency, McAlister, Walz. No/none. Motion carried.
Other Business That Comes Before The Board: Lance stated that he will be meeting with the County regarding the Truck Route Ordinance which would limit trucking in the Township and would also put regulations on the use of exhaust brakes. The meeting is scheduled tentatively for March 5. The County gave us a price on signs for the truck routes. Also being discussed is the Green Road topic.
Public Comment: Jim Moss expressed concern over the issue of bike marathons in our Township in the summer and wished we could do something to get alternate routes for them. He asked about getting permits from the bike groups so that the residents can know ahead of time and be prepared. He also asked about the possibility of having police again. Charity Steere thanked Lance for addressing and working on the Green Road issue.
Adjournment: Walz motioned with support from McAlister to adjourn at 7:45 p.m. Aye/all; no/none. Motion carried.
The next Planning Commission meeting will be on Tuesday, March 19, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. The next regular Board meeting will be on Tuesday, March 26, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. Minutes will be published in the Stockbridge Community News at the end of each month, on our website at www.waterlootwpmi.com and on our Facebook page at: waterlootownshipmichigan.
Submitted by: Janice Kitley, Clerk