Waterloo Township Board Unapproved Meeting Minutes 26 January 2021
Call to Order and Pledge: 7:00 p.m.
Present: Lance, Kitley, McAlister, Walz, Morency. Also present: 12 residents, Township Attorney Kyle O’Meara.
Public Comment: Brian Keith spoke in support of the marijuana growth proposal in Waterloo Township.
Consent Agenda: Walz motioned with support from McAlister to accept the consent agenda as presented. Aye/all; no/none. Motion carried. Kitley motioned with support from Walz to pay the bills as listed on the Post Audit report in the amount of $3,354.14. Roll call vote: Yes/Morency, McAlister, Walz, Kitley, Lance. No/none. Motion carried. Kitley reported that at the SAESA meeting issues with one of the tankers was discussed along with the cost of a new one or having the current one to undergo re-chassis. The audit report for SAESA was also discussed. The police report for Waterloo Township was read and showed no major issues.
Correspondence: Lance read letters supporting the marijuana growth proposal for Waterloo Township from Michael and Christina DePugh, Ken Kitley, Carol Zook, John Fraser (lawyer with Grewel Law, PLLC). Letter opposing the growth was read from Roger Sager.
Old Business: Walz stated that the Parks and Recreation Committee met on January 12th, 2021. They discussed the rain garden/designated monarch habitat. She stated that they received a $500 check from Jackson Community Foundation-Consumers Energy Mini Grant. It will be used toward the Footpath/Rain Garden/Monarch Habitat Project this year.
Morency motioned with support from McAlister to accept the Decker Agency insurance quote at a cost of $10,420.00 effective February 1, 2021. Roll call vote: Yes/McAlister, Walz, Kitley, Lance, Morency. No/none. Motion carried.
Mallory Glenn presented an updated Power Point of “Noble Gardens”, the proposed marijuana growth. It was very thorough and well done. Paper copies are available at the office if anyone would like to see one.
Ted Beals gave a Power Point presentation on “Control of Marihuana Operations in Waterloo Township”, Township Procedures for Regulatory Control and Location suggesting that it be zoned industrial. It would require a Zoning Request permit. Copies of this document can also be seen at the Township.
Kyle O’Meara (one of our attorneys from Fahey Law Firm) spoke of proposals for millages supporting police coverage and a millage to approve money for road repair. We would like input from residents regarding both of these possible millages. Our goal is to get them ready for an August election. Wording has to be in 3 months ahead of election. Need length of time on millages and renewal possibilities.
McAlister suggested moving ahead on the proposal for marijuana growth facility. Morency said Planning Commission will need more parameters from Board in moving forward and we should look at the current drafts from our law firm.
New Business: Morency spoke of the Planning Commission meeting held on January 19th. Public hearing took place on land rezoning on Territorial Road. Residents involved in the area had very strong feelings against the rezoning. AI gave their presentation on the Green Road proposal. They went back to rezoning issue and tabled it until next month. They want Board to give more attention to Zoning Administrator reports.
Kitley motioned with support from Walz to accept quote from IT Right for a new Elections Pollbook Laptop at a cost of $650. Roll call vote: Yes/Walz, Kitley, Lance, Morency, McAlister. No/none. Motion carried.
Walz motioned with support from Kitley to accept quote from IT Right to replace the computer for the Deputy Treasurer at a cost of $1,164. Roll call vote: Yes/Kitley, Lance, Morency, McAlister, Walz. No/none. Motion carried.
Other Business That Comes Before The Board: Walz suggested that the Board host a “Cop and Donuts” meet and greet here at the Township in the Spring so that residents can meet Benny Roe, our new officer from Jackson County Sheriff’s office. More will come on this later.
Public Comment: Cynthia Richardson read a letter opposing the growth facility. Letter supporting marijuana growth was read by Erin Walz with support from Denny Walz. Garth and Cindy feel that this is a viable business and support the growth facility. He stated that the state does the enforcement and that we need to move along soon. Would like to see the ball start rolling. Chris Tapping spoke in favor of the growth facility and also said it was short term pain for long term gain. There are risks with everything. He also asked if there was anything new on the short-term rentals. It has not been addressed as an actual ordinance. Bill Richardson spoke of the issues Leoni Township has gone through and that changing Zoning will bring in more zoning requests for growth. Thinks there will be a push for retail sales. Nate Glenn said that licenses are stacked in one business and that one business could have more than one license for different processes. Beals stated that he has read through regulations and laws and has a list that he can give to Planning Commission to help them in their process. He will have it for them at their next meeting. Mallory Glenn would like parameters given to Planning Commission as soon as possible. Pat Deanhofer asked to have a copy of minutes from the Planning Commission meeting sent to her.
Adjournment: Walz motioned with support from McAlister to adjourn at 9:02 p.m. Aye/all; no/none. Motion carried.
The next Planning Commission meeting will be on Tuesday, February 16, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. The next regular Board meeting will be on Tuesday, February 23, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. Minutes will be published in the Stockbridge Community News at the end of each month, on our website and on our Facebook page at: waterlootownshipmichigan.
Submitted by: Janice Kitley, Clerk