Waterloo Township Board Unapproved Meeting Minutes 26 June 2018

Waterloo Township Board Unapproved
Meeting Minutes 26 June 2018 7:00 P.M. 9773 Mt. Hope Road Munith, MI 49259

Call to Order: 7:00 p.m.
Present: Lance, Walz, Kitley, McAlister,
Morency. Also present: Charlie Barnum, Building
Inspector and 10 residents.
Public Comment: Randy Heatley presented a detailed document addressing the Broadband effort. A copy of his input was given to the clerk.
Lance read an email received from a resident giving input into the Broadband movement.
Sheila Conant also asked if the board was going to help bringing AT&T Internet to their area.
Consent Agenda: Kitley motioned with support from McAlister to accept the consent agenda as presented. Yes/all; no/none. Motion carried.
Kitley spoke of the difficulties being encountered in obtaining permits from Stockbridge Village pertaining to the new building purchased by SAESA (the old Bob’s Ford building). Charlie Barnum spoke of how busy the building inspections are in the township.
Special Order: Aggregate Industries permit renewal presentation. Lance motioned with support from McAlister to approve Aggregate
Industries permit renewal with conditions. Aye/all; no/none. Motion carried. Full copy of conditions can be seen on the website version of the minutes.
Old Business: None
New Business:
• Morency stated that the Planning Commission is working on correcting issues with the current maps. There are many errors and Beals will meet with Kitley and Lance to go over the map.
• The dates for the July 2018 and December 2018 Board meeting dates are changed to: July 31, 2018 and December 20, 2018 at 7:00.
• Lance motioned with support from McAlister to approve the boundary adjustment application from Hans and Jackie Evers with Kevin and Arlene Walz having prior parcels IDs of: 000-05-25-406-003-01 and 000-05-25-406-002-01 resulting in two adjusted parcels: ID#000-05-25-406-003-02 with 0.82 acres and ID#000-05-25-406-002-02 with 0.94 acres. Aye/all; no/none. Motion carried.
• Kitley motioned with support from Morency to approve the following budget amendments: $4,614 from account 101-446-955-000 Highways and Streets to 101-216-702-000 Dep Clerk Salary; $221 from 101-446-955-000 Highways and Streets to 101-216-955-000 Dep Clerk Misc.; $1,130 from 101-865-955-000 Insurance to 101-371-300-000 Bldg. Dept. Clerk; $310 from 101-446-955-000 Highways and Streets to 101-371-300-000 Bldg. Dept. Clerk; $1,942 from 101-865-955-000 Insurance to 101-450-955-000 Street Lights for a total of $8,217. Roll call vote: Yes/Morency, McAlister, Walz, Kitley, Lance. No/ none. Motion carried.
Other Business That Comes Before The Board: Board was informed that fire extinguishers were being installed in both the office building and the hall. The new defibrillator machine will also be installed in the town hall building. Lance asked Beals to check on salaries through the MTA website. Township officials have had no raise in salaries since 2006.
Public Comment:. Beals stated that the state legislature has been busy making changes to land management administration (DNR) and payments of taxes, buying and selling of land, what can be done with it, etc. The state owns 37% of our land in the township. He asked MTA if they were going to have a workshop addressing this legislation. He feels it will impact our township significantly. Also will ask if someone could come to our township to explain this legislation.
Walz motioned with support from McAlister to adjourn at 8: 25 p.m.
The next Planning Commission meeting will be on Tuesday, July 17, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. The next regular Board meeting will be on Tuesday,
June 31, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. Minutes will be published in the Stockbridge Community News at the end of each month, on our website at www.waterlootwpmi.com and on our Facebook page at: waterlootownshipmichigan.

Submitted by: Janice Kitley, Clerk