Waterloo Township Unapproved Board Meeting Minutes July 18, 2019

Call to Order: 6:00 p.m.


Present: Lance, Walz, Kitley, McAlister, Morency. Residents present: Ted and Peggy Beals. Rob Hayes: Aggregate Industries

Public Comment: None

Consent Agenda: McAlister motioned with support from Walz to approve the consent agenda as presented. Aye/all; no/none. Motion carried.

Correspondence: None

Old Business:

  • Walz gave a report on the last Parks and Recreation Committee meeting.  She stated that the walking path is being used by residents and is looking good. The next phase is to do signs, benches and birdhouses and a waste can. The $500 Community Mini Spirit grant is available again and she will be applying and put it toward accessorizing the footpath. The September plant/vegetable exchange will be Saturday, September 21, 2019 with plant exchange being from 9:30 to 10:00 a.m. and the vegetable exchange being from 10:00 to 12:00 noon here at the township hall. Munith Lions Park is done. A celebration will take place on August 29th at 6:30 and our role in that will be noted.   Jackson County will help with cost (matching funds from donations) to put in additional tables, barbecues and playground equipment.

New Business:

  • Morency stated that the Planning Commission incorporated suggestions from the Jackson County Planning Commission to prepare the Draft Amendments to the Waterloo Ordinances 3.05 and 3.06. No one attended the public hearing and no comments or correspondence was submitted. They voted to have the Township Board approve the amendments but it won’t be ready until September or later. There were no more additions to the amendment list but they will take more suggestions. They would also like a report of the data when the Jackson County Department of Transportation does a traffic count on our township roads. Up until now we have never received a report from them.
  • Rob Hayes from Aggregate Industries asking for approval from the Township for doing exploration drilling in a parcel belonging to the DNR. The DNR has approved it if the Township Board approves it also. Some of the 40 acres contains wetlands which can’t be used. We will have our engineering company look it over before we make any decisions. They are looking for extending their contract to mine gravel for a little longer with that expansion.   He is looking for approval by Labor Day if possible.
  • Kitley motioned with support from McAlister to enter into a partnership with Stockbridge Township for a trash disposal day on September 28, 2019 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. for an amount to not exceed $2,200. Roll call vote: Yes/Morency, McAlister, Walz, Kitley, Lance. No/none. Motion carried.
  • Walz motioned with support from Lance to pre-buy 800 gallons of propane from Avery Oil and Propane at a cost of $1.34.9 per gallon which will cost us a total of $1,080. Roll call vote: Yes/McAlister, Walz, Kitley, Lance, Morency. No/none. Motion carried. Last year’s cost was 1.59 a gallon.
  • Carl Fletcher has offered to donate a small parcel of land to Waterloo Township which is the easement to the driveway. It was decided that we do not want the land. Mr. Fletcher will be notified.

Other Business That Comes Before The Board: The Coachman’s Cove mobile home park was discussed. Beck has made progress in helping to get people to take responsibility for keeping it cleaned up.

Public Comment:  Beals talked about the Green Road issue which has not been dealt with yet in conjunction with the request for exploration drilling on more land. It’s very hilly and has beautiful old trees. He feels that it would be too close to residents. The trail ways will be damaged if the new property is approved for mining. They will need a Special Use Permit to work forward with this request. Ted Beals also stated that the state has approved a great deal of money for Broadband internet. We may see some movement from Broadband.

Adjournment: Walz motioned with support from McAlister to adjourn at 7:10 p.m. Aye/all; no/none.  Motion carried.

The next Planning Commission meeting will be on Tuesday, August 20, 2019 7:00. The next regular Board meeting will be on Tuesday, August 27, 2019 at 7:00 p.m.   Copies of our new fiscal year budget may be obtained at the Township Office.  Minutes will be published in the Stockbridge Community News at the end of each month, on our website at www.waterlootwpmi.com and on our Facebook page at: waterlootownshipmichigan.

Submitted by: Janice Kitley

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