57th annual Pioneer Day set for Oct. 13

Waterloo Farm Museum, Oct 21, 2012
Visit the 57th annual Pioneer Day at the Waterloo Farm and Dewey School museums from noon to 5 p.m. Oct. 13 for some old-fashioned fun in the spirit of a time long ago.
The annual event features horse-drawn wagon rides, pretzels and pies from the farm wagon, and molasses cookies and cider from the Bake House. Fall decorations from the Flower Barn and the famous Waterloo Bean Soup from the concessions also will be available. Dewey School will be open for tours and a little schoolin’, so stop in.
Music will be provided by Mike Evans and his banjo, Askin’ for Trouble, North Creek Fiddlers, Blackberry Jam, The Wayward Dirks and others.
About 50 vendors and demonstrators will be set up around the grounds, such as Swallowtail Pottery, soap making, make your own rope, basket making, quilts, flint knapping and the list goes on and on.
Pioneer Day has grown some during its 57 years, but it still remains true to the memory and the spirit of the early days in the region.
The Waterloo Farm Museum is at 13493 Waterloo-Munith Road, Grass Lake, Mich. It is 6 miles south of Stockbridge, 10 miles northwest of Chelsea and 15 miles north of Grass Lake.