March 19, 2018

Stockbridge Township Supervisor CG Lantis called the Regular Stockbridge Township Board Meeting to order on March 19, 2018 at 7:30pm at the Stockbridge Township Hall. Members present at the meeting Supervisor CG Lantis, Clerk Becky Muraf, Treasurer Kris Lauckner, Trustee Terry Sommer, Trustee Ed Wetherell. Member absent from meeting: None

Pledge of Allegiance was lead by Faith Young, Parker Sandecki, Colton Stowe, Lucy Chapman, Rhyan Davis

Moment of Silence: 7:32 pm

Sommer motion to accept the agenda. Wetherell second With the add on of Private Drives and Associations and Plaque for Robert Erhart All in Favor Motion Carried

Citizen’s Comments: Discussion

Sommer motion to accept the Stockbridge Township Board meeting minutes from February 19, 2018 Lauckner in favor Motion Carried.

Sommer motion to accept the Stockbridge Township Financial Report as printed Lauckner second. All in Favor Motion Carried.

Old Business:

Supervisor Lantis spoke to Mr. Cole at L and B Outlets about moving the Recycling Dumpster behind the little building the old wash house on the property. Mr Cole said he has the equipment and will move the recycling dumpster. You can purchase clear plastic bags from L&B outlets for recycling Lauckner motion to purchase a metal sign with wooden frame from Kelly Vogel at [email protected] for the amount of $215.00 Sommer second all in Favor Motion Carried.

Stockbridge Township Board will be partnering with the Free and Accepted Mason Lodge #130 for the Day in the Village on June 16, 2018 to do the Child Id Program. The Stockbridge Township Board is working with the Mason to confirm date and times for this program.

The Weather Siren will be going up on the corner of Green Rd and Sheppard Rd the material has been ordered and we are just waiting for the frost laws to be lifted then the Siren will start to be constructed.

New Business

Lauckner Motioned to allow Bike MS Great Lakes Mid-Michigan Breakaway Ride scheduled for July 21, 2018 and July 22, 2018 to allow the usage of square grounds on above dates. Sommer second All in Favor Motion Carried

Lauckner motion to accept the Draft Stockbridge Area Park and Recreation Plan Muraf second Roll call vote Lauckner Yes, Wetherell Yes, Muraf Yes, Sommer Yes, Lantis Yes

Lantis motion to accept the rate increase from $100.00 a month to publish Stockbridge Township Board minutes to $150.00 a month to publish Stockbridge Township Board minutes in the Stockbridge Community News for the fiscal year 2018-2019 Sommer second All in Favor Motion Carried

Stockbridge Township reached out to Unadilla Township to see if they are interested in doing a Cleanup day again this year. Unadilla has a board meeting on March 22, 2018 and will see if the board is interested in doing it again this year.

Lantis motion to form a committee for Trick or Treating on the Stockbridge Township Square. Becky Muraf, Ed Wetherell and Betty Wetherll will be the committee All in Favor Motion Carried

Lantis motion to get an environmental study done to the Fire Station for the safety of the building and for Outreach if an agreement is made between Stockbridge Township and Outreach Sommer second All in Favor Motion Carried

Lauckner motion to accept Stockbridge Township Board budget amendment # 2 moving $7600.00 from Building & Grounds Equipment making balance $42400.00 to $7300.00 making balance $14300.00 for building Department Clerk and $300.00 to Planning Salaries making balance $2300.00. Sommer second All in Favor Motion Carried

Sommer motion to pay the Stockbridge Township Board monthly bills in the amount of $48,306.90 Lauckner second All in Favor Motion Carried

Private Drives/Associations Stockbridge Township board is asking the Planning Commission to amend the ordinance for private drives and associations to keep up maintenance of the private drives. Muraf will call Stockbridge Township Board attorney Pete Flinton and look for recommendations.

Lantis will look into a plaque for Bob Erhart.

Citizens Comments: Discussion

Lantis adjourned the Stockbridge Township Regular Board meeting at 9:22pm on March 19, 2018