Council Meeting
305 W. Elizabeth Street, Room #112
February 4, 2019 at 7:00pm
Meeting called to order by President Howlett at 7:00 pm. Roll Call: PRESENT: President Molly Howlett, Pro-Tem Frederick Cattell, Trustee Chadwick Quintanilla, Trustee Greg Uihlein, Trustee Richard Mullins, Trustee Patrick Harden, ABSENT: Trustee Heath Corey; Others Present: Debbie Nogle, Village Clerk, Police Chief Johnnie Torres, John Gormley, Village Attorney, Citizens were also present; Pledge of Allegiance President Howlett led the pledge of allegiance.
Approval of Agenda MOTION by Cattell SUPPORTED by Uihlein to approve the February 4, 2019 agenda; remove line 12 (closed session). Motion carried with unanimous ayes; Approval of Minutes: MOTION by Cattell, SUPPORTED by Mullins to approve the minutes of January 7, 2019 as presented. Motion carried with unanimous ayes.Public Comment – There were comments made by the public.FINANCIAL REPORT: Accounts Payable: MOTION by Cattell SUPPORTED by Mullins, APPROVED; the accounts payable as presented by Clerk Nogle. AYES: Uihlein, Mullins, Harden, Cattell, Quintanilla, Howlett, NAYS: None ABSENT: Corey MOTION PASSED President Report: President Howlett gave her Presidents Report.Police Report – Chief Torres gave his police report. MOTION by Cattell, SUPPORTED by Mullins, APPROVED, hire a part-time police Officer Kevin Marshall at $16.50 per hour pending a successful background.AYES: Cattell, Mullins, Quintanilla, Uihlein, Harden, Howlett NAYS: None ABSENT: Corey MOTION PASSED NEW BUSINESS Suzi Greenway MOTION by Mullins, SUPPORTED by Cattell, APPROVED, the 2019 road closures as presented by Suzi Greenway.Motion carried with unanimous ayes.; UNFINISHED BUSINESS Public Comment- There were comments made by the public. Council Comments ADJOURNMENT MOTION by Cattell, SUPPORTED by Uihlein, APPROVED to adjourn the Council Meeting at 8:10pm.
Respectfully submitted:
Debbie Nogle,Village Clerk