Active Aging: A community building with a storied past provides a second home to area seniors

by Mark Taylor

According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, a building is “a usually roofed and walled structure built for permanent use (as for a dwelling).”

We all know buildings have different purposes. We live in buildings or dwellings that protect us from the elements and provide comfort from outside conditions all year long. Other buildings protect our livestock and our valuable possessions both large and small. Some protect possessions that have little value and some protect great wealth.

One particular building has stood for many years here in our Stockbridge community. It is not a fancy building and has not necessarily been built to withstand the challenges of time. However, this building is special, both for its past purpose and for how it is being used now.

The building I am referring to housed and protected our Fire Department in the past, including the heroes who spent many hours there. Now, that same structure provides another valuable function by providing an environment for a very important group of people—the senior citizens of Stockbridge and its surrounding communities.

The Stockbridge Area Senior Center (SASC) location was first built by the Road Commission to house some of its equipment for southern Ingham County. Stockbridge Township later purchased it, gathered the fire equipment, and converted it to the Fire Department. As the community grew and businesses came and went, an opportunity became available to move the Fire Department to a much needed and more modern, spacious building.

Some forward thinkers on the Township Board suggested this old Fire Department location would be a good home and meeting place for the senior citizens of the Stockbridge Community. The Township Board eventually approved the use of this building for the Stockbridge Area Senior Center in exchange for a very limited annual fee. The Township still retains oversight of the physical building and the property around it and works closely with members of the SASC to make the property useful for the group.

Senior citizens—some of the most deserving citizens in the Stockbridge area—have worked hard for this community and sacrificed many hours and dollars toward the stability of their own homes. Now, they have a community location that they can call their second home. Community members of all ages put a great amount of effort and time to make the old Fire House work as the Senior Center. And the seniors themselves have committed their time, talents, and finances to make the SASC a reality.

The SASC is growing. With this growth comes many different challenges. The Township has done a great job in helping address the changes that need to be made to accommodate the growth.

A building like this home for the SASC provides a great foundation for development and growth. It’s not a fancy building. It is not even built of bricks and mortar. Nor does it have marble floors. But, it has walls and a structured roof and it protects a very valuable segment of this community, our senior citizens.

To the Township Board and others who saw the vision and sacrificed to make it real, we the community, and especially its senior citizens, say, “Thank you!”

Mark Taylor is a member of the board of directors of the Stockbridge Area Senior Center (SASC)—a great place to spend time. Visit or call 517-480-0353 for information.

Some forward thinkers suggested the old Fire Department location would be a great meeting place for Stockbridge area senior citizens—a community location that they can call their second home. Photo provided by SASC.

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