Bridge to Wellness: The circle of fit and a June challenge

by Gary Hicks

I often recommend weight-bearing exercises (weight lifting and using body weights) to help people lose weight. How exactly does that make sense? To simplify the explanation, I use what I call “The Circle of Fit,” a play on the music theory term “Circle of Fifths.”

The goal is to lose weight. To do that, you need to burn calories and consume fewer calories. To burn calories, I recommend doing cardio exercises, such as walking, biking running, swimming, and aerobics. Then you need to add weight lifting to the routine. Weight lifting increases strength and endurance, which then enables you to do those cardio exercises longer and more efficiently. That longer, more efficient cardio helps to burn more calories, causing you to lose more weight. Eventually, the weight lifting gets easier, so you can introduce more or different weight-lifting exercises. Along with that, the cardio becomes even easier than before so you exercise longer…burn more calories…and lose more weight. Are you starting to see a pattern here? As the cycle repeats, you’re creating “The Circle of Fit.”

Weight-bearing exercise also strengthens and increases bone density, muscle mass, and metabolism. It helps regulate insulin, improves posture, and increases energy levels. Adding weight lifting to a weight-loss routine makes a lot of sense. Consider adding it safely and gradually to your routine, and you will notice the benefits.

Warning: Following the programs contained in this column may cause you to experience weight loss and a reduction in body size, which could result in shopping sprees for new and stylish clothing!

Monthly Fitness Challenge for June

25 Wall Push-ups: Place your hands on the wall, shoulder-height a little more than a shoulder’s width apart. Slowly move your feet backward until you are leaning on the wall with your weight on your arms. You are likely on the balls of your feet. Bend your arms to perform 25 push-ups from this position.  If the lean angle it too difficult, move your feet closer to the wall to reduce the amount of weight in the arms.

25-second Step-ups: On a stairway, holding on to the railing for safety, step up onto the first stair with the right foot then step onto the same stair with the left foot.  Step backwards off of the step to the starting position with the right foot, and then with the left foot. Next, do the same thing again, but this time start with the left foot up and come down to the starting position with the left foot first. Repeat, rotating left first / right first, for 25 seconds.

25-second Plank: Hold a plank position from toes and elbows for 25 seconds.  For you Ab Masters from February’s challenge: try holding that plank position for 1 minute.

Repeat this 3-part routine of push-ups, step-ups, and plank for three sets, four days per week.

Be sure to let others know how you are progressing by commenting on our Facebook page at


Upcoming SAWC or wellness-related community events:

  • Stockbridge Area Run/Walk Club continues, led by Erin Clifton. Gather at the parking lot in front of Stockbridge Library at 6pm on Mondays and Fridays ready to hit the trails! Runs through June 18. Free to all—register at the class. Gets you ready for the 5K during A Day in the Village, Saturday, June 19. For more info,
  • 2021 Be Fit 5K Fun Run, June 19, 8am. If you want a race t-shirt, make sure to register BEFORE June 1.
  • Fridays, 4-7pm: Open Air Market of Stockbridge holds weekly markets on Fridays on the Stockbridge Town Square, near the gazebo, Market Music from 5:30pm – 7pm
  • Monday, June 14, 4pm 5pm: Outreach’s Fresh Food Distribution for anyone who needs food—no registration required, just show up at Jeruel Baptist Church’s parking lot, 4pm – 5pm. Curbside pick-up.
  • A Day in the Village, June 18 & 19, 2021
  • Check out the free WAVE shuttle bus to Chelsea on Mondays, Wednesdays and/or Fridays. For more info or to make a reservation (not required): 734-475-9494. For more information about WAVE, org/
  • Clean up Club: Next gathering will be Saturday, July 10, at Stockbridge’s Veterans Memorial Park, 2pm, for a general clean-up of the area. All welcome!
  • Eastbridge Community Garden: There are still plots available! Contact coordinator Merelyn Snider, 734-680-6260.  Open to all who want to garden.


This column is sponsored by the Stockbridge Area Wellness Coalition (SAWC). Remember, if you have health challenges that could hamper your ability to exercise, check with your doctor before taking on a new exercise regimen. Gary A. Hicks, a veteran police sergeant with a passion for fitness, writes the fitness portion. He has over 35 years of experience in teaching, coaching, martial arts instruction, and police academy instruction.