Celebrate our Saviors birth with the Catholic Community of Sts. James, Cornelius & Cyprian November 29, 2018 Mary Krummrey Off Announcement, events, Mason, You are invited to join us for our many Christmas events. Dec 3: Capitol City...
St. Joseph Mercy Chelsea now accepting applications for $172,000 in community health funding November 24, 2018 Patrice Johnson Off Announcement, News, by Bobby Maldonado St. Joseph Mercy Chelsea is now accepting applications for grant funding to support...
Meeting for the Mike Levine Lakelands Trail Heritage Project November 23, 2018 Patrice Johnson Off Announcement, News, Advocates, trail-users, and supporters of the Mike Levine Lakelands Trail The Michigan History Center invites...
Garden Club decorates Township Square for the holidays November 6, 2018 Patrice Johnson 15 Announcement, Community Events, News, Stockbridge Area Garden Club, Photo and article by Patrice Johnson The Christmas holiday arrived Monday, Nov. 5 at the...
Reminder: Daylight Saving Time ends tonight November 3, 2018 Patrice Johnson Off Announcement, events, News, Don't forget to set your clocks back an hour (fall back) before you go to...
Trick or Treat on the Square draws hundreds of princesses, skeletons and incredibles,and lightpole winners November 1, 2018 Patrice Johnson 1 Announcement, events, News, SAESA, Stockbridge Township, revised: 12:00 11/1/2018 Congratulations to all!
Village of Stockbridge Meeting Synopsis October 31, 2018 Patrice Johnson Off Announcement, News, Village of Stockbridge News, Meeting called to order by President Howlett at 7:00 pm. Roll Call: PRESENT:President Molly Howlett,...
Reminder: Trick or Treat on the Square tonight October 31, 2018 Patrice Johnson Off Announcement, News, Stockbridge Township,
Waterloo Township Board Meeting Unapproved Minutes October 31, 2018 Patrice Johnson Off Announcement, Meeting Minutes, News, Waterloo, 25 September 2018 7:00 P.M. 9773 Mt. Hope Road Munith, MI 49259 Call to Order: ...
Stockbridge Township Board minutes October 31, 2018 Patrice Johnson Off Announcement, Meeting Minutes, News, Stockbridge Township, October 15, 2018 Stockbridge Township Supervisor CG Lantis called the Regular Stockbridge Township Board Meeting...