Celebrate the Holidays with the Panther Cubs and Start the New Year by volunteering

November 19th – Sorry this is reaching everyone too late- PTO Parent Meeting potluck was held in the Heritage Cafeteria starting at 6:00 p. M.
November 30th– The One Stop Holiday Shop returns for its second year. The show this year will take place at the junior/senior High School. The show starts at 10 am and will go until 4 pm. Santa paws will be visiting and there are over 100 unique sellers there to show you all of their best works. Just outside the door The Fresh and Furious food truck will be serving up some great breakfast and lunch deals.
December 3rd– PTO working meeting for Winter Carnival. Join us as we plan and make games, count and make prizes, move things from school to school, get silent and bag auctions ready and so much more. It will be a great night, with lots of fun. We will start at Heritage and move things over to the Smith Cafeteria. Meeting starts at 4:00. Kids welcome, childcare provided!
December 11th– Winter Carnival! Come one, Come all to the 2019 Winter Carnival at Smith Elementary. There will be games, an elf work shop, magic show, balloon animals, cake walk, silent auctions, bag auctions, cookie decorating, reindeer food and so much more. Don’t miss out, Santa will be there!!
Want more information? Interested in being a part? Check us out on facebook https://www.facebook.com/panthercubspto/ Want to receive our monthly newsletter? E-mail [email protected] to get added to the list.