Chelsea Hospital offering support for new mothers

Info provided by Chelsea Hospital

Chelsea Hospital will present the Breastfeeding Basics & Beyond Class and the Rock Me Mama Support Group this fall for new mothers in the area.

Breastfeeding Basics & Beyond
The breastfeeding class is a free, three-session class providing education and support for the new mother and her support person. Topics include breastfeeding basics, what to expect at first, how to know if baby is getting enough milk and how to avoid complications.
The class goes on to explain how to feel comfortable breastfeeding outside the house, how breastfeeding changes as the child grows, pumping milk, going back to work, and proper milk storage.
Megan Trenary, BSN, RN, IBCLC, will teach the class. She is a nurse and international board certified lactation consultant (IBCLC). She previously worked as a NICU nurse and lactation consultant and has a passion for supporting breastfeeding.
The class is offered monthly at the Chelsea Wellness Center. For upcoming dates and times, visit The class is for people who live and work in Chelsea, Dexter, Grass Lake, Stockbridge and Manchester.

Rock Me Mama Support Group
New moms can receive education and support while navigating their new normal by joining the weekly support group. During the virtual opportunity, new moms can get together, chat, voice concerns or just hang out. Bring your coffee, wear your pajamas, and don’t forget your little one.
Rock Me Mama Support Group meets on Thursdays from 10:30 a.m. to noon. Sessions began Sept. 22.
To register and receive the virtual link, contact Kathy Walz at, or call 734-680-5312.