Clean-up and fairy village events to spruce up the Beckwith Preserve

Those participating in the Fairy/Gnome Village event will use nature—and their imaginations—to add to the collection of tiny homes already in the Preserve. Photo credit: James Clark-Swalla
Information from Wellness Coalition Clean-up Club, Beckwith Preserve, and Stockbridge Area Arts Council
The Legacy Land Conservancy as well as the Clean-Up Club of the Stockbridge Area Wellness Coalition are appealing to those who take pride in the area’s natural offerings to assist in their next clean-up project. Join these groups on Saturday, September 18, 2021, at 2:00 pm, as they focus attention on the Beckwith Preserve. (Rain date, if necessary: Sunday, September 19. Same time.)
Bring your work gloves, good pruners and/or tree saws to the Preserve parking lot on the curve at the east end of the Village of Stockbridge (on M-106). Clean-up efforts will focus on clearing brush and removing invasive species like autumn olive. There will be plenty of work to do—perfect for adults who like to work outside.
The Stockbridge Area Arts Council is also getting in on the Beckwith Preserve action with an event for all ages—creating a Fairy/Gnome Village. If you’ve walked in the Preserve lately, you may have noticed a few tiny houses—just the right size for fairies and gnomes—that are cropping up in the Preserve.
At 3:00 p.m. on the day of the Clean-Up, Fairy/Gnome Village event attendees are invited to find leaves, branches, stones, acorns, and more for use as they create tiny gnome or fairy houses. The Arts Council will be providing additional materials. Finished creations will be placed along the Beckwith Nature Preserve trail.
According to Andrea Stickney of the Stockbridge Area Arts Council, “This is a chance to create a tiny community within the village with your friends and a great time to explore nature.”
Someone will also be available to discuss what makes a house biodegradable, what makes a plant become an invasive species, and additional information about the preserve.

The September 18 Clean-Up and Fairy/Gnome Village events in Beckwith Preserve will ensure the Preserve remains a welcoming place for all. Photo credits: James Clark-Swalla