A Day In the Village Art Show Winners 2018

L-R: Dan Reid, 3d prize winner; Bev Glynn, People’s Choice winner; Thomas Winebrenner,  first prize winner.

article and photos by Diane Rockall

Winners in this year’s Day in the Village Art Show, sponsored by the Stockbridge Area Arts Council, were Thomas Winebrenner – 1st prize for his work entitled Warm Breeze.

Warm Breeze by Thomas Winebrenner
1st prize winner

Jeff  Drushall received 2nd place for his work entitled Angel Metal Work, and Dan Reid received third for his work entitled Lidded Vessel. People’s Choice award went to Bev Glynn Friends.

Jeff Drushall – 2nd prize winner for Angel Metal Work. New baby Olive looks on.


Lidded Vessel by Dan Reid, 3rd prize.

Friends by Bev Glynn, 2018 People’s choice winner