Flower planting beautifies Gregory

L-R: Linda Topping, Unadilla Township clerk; Susan Daily, Stockbridge Area Garden Club member; Bev Glynn, SAGC member; Sarah Robinson; Linda Walker, Unadilla Township supervisor; Kalista Opsahl, grand-daughter of Linda Walker; and Keith Huck. Not pictured: Photographer Judy Williams, SAGC president.
by Judy Williams
The forecast of rain and the prospect of back-straining work in the hot morning sun proved no deterrent as eight civic-minded gardeners gathered Saturday, May 26, to plant flowers along Michigan 36 in Gregory.
In all, 18 flats of petunias and more than a dozen bags of mulch now add splashes of red, white and blue to the intersection, due to the efforts of Linda Topping, Unadilla Township clerk; Susan Daily, Stockbridge Area Garden Club member; Bev Glynn, SAGC member; Sarah Robinson; Linda Walker, Unadilla Township supervisor; Kalista Opsahl, grand-daughter of Linda Walker; Judy Williams, SAGC president, and Keith Huck.