Follow the big wheels to the 2021 American Legion Tractor Show

by Mary Jo David

Residents knew something had to be up on Friday morning, Sept. 24, when they noticed just as many tractors as cars out on the roads leading into Stockbridge. After two solid days of rain in the area, the sun found its way back out just in time to welcome tractor owners and visitors to the 2021 Tractor Show. The event was sponsored by the Sons of the Legion from the Mackinder Glenn American Legion Post 510 in Stockbridge. Photos by Gary Hicks.

Two-year-old Nevaeh Schuckaskie, demonstrates that you’re never too young to start learning on the farm.

Early Friday and tractors are lining up—with more on the way.

James Smith, born and raised in Stockbridge, shows off the 1941 John Deere his grandpa purchased in 1963 for $50. When James was in high school, his grandpa gifted him with the tractor.

Wood-carving artist Ron Kane of Wood-N-Creations from Jackson, Mich.

Lynn Osborn (Ozzie) stakes out a Club spot at the show.

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