Summer Reading Challenge offers Oceans of Possibilities

by Head Librarian Sherri McConnell

We are looking forward to Oceans of Possibilities with reading prizes, performers, guests, and weekly activities during our Summer Reading Challenge.

Wednesday Wonders is a series of programs running from June 22 to July 27 at 10:30 a.m. It includes Ming the Magnificent for a magic show, Gemini for a family singalong, Lansing Hoops for hula-hoop fun and many other guests! We also will have weekly Possibility Labs with craft and science projects starting June 16.

The Summer Reading Challenge runs from June 1 to Aug. 6 for readers of all ages, offering four categories: Pre-readers, Kids, Teens, and Adults.

Libraries love summer because we celebrate the fun of reading and listening to audiobooks. Even more, we work to prevent the dreaded “summer slide,” which is when children may lose some reading skills during the summer break. You can sign up for the challenge at or at the Stockbridge Branch. Our opening hours change June 1: The library is closed on Sunday during June, July and August.

During A Day in the Village on Saturday, June 18, find us on the township square with the CADL Book Bike and a selection of free books for all ages. Also during ADIV, the Friends of the Library will be holding a sidewalk book sale at the library, 200 Wood St., on Friday, June 17, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Saturday, June 18, from 11 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Capital Area District Libraries’ Stockbridge Branch is located at 200 Wood St. For more information, call 517-851-7810 or visit