From the superintendent’s desk

Stay positive and ‘be the change’ in 2022

After a month into this new year,  many of us would say that this is not what we were hoping for, as the COVID numbers have been on the increase and it seems like daily life is a challenge.

Did you make a New Year’s resolution? Did you hope that things would be different in 2022?  I want to encourage you to keep a positive attitude. Keep going with that New Year’s resolution, or maybe you need to start one and get working on it.

When we hope, we are awaiting a desired outcome. Many things are out of our control and we cannot change them. However, a tremendous amount is within our control. This is the area of one’s life where New Year’s resolutions are created.

Hoping for a better tomorrow is a great aspiration, but what are you doing to make it a better tomorrow? How are you treating others? What are you doing to make another person’s life better? What words of encouragement are you sharing with those with whom you live and work? How are you paying it forward? When we invest in others, we can receive just as much, if not more, from the process.

How are you investing in your own daily life? Experience shows us that improvement takes work. Whether you are building relationships, working out, or learning something new, it requires effort. If we begin to invest, over time we will see progress toward the desired outcome. Have you heard the quote, “Be the change you want to see in the world”? This starts with a decision and then an action. If we consistently take action, we will begin to see the desired outcome that we have hoped for in our lives, or more importantly, in the lives of those around us.

As we embark on this new year together, know that we are committed to “being that change”. We resolve to build relationships, create opportunities and focus on learning.

Brian Friddle
Superintendent of Schools

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