Garden Club decorates the hall…and square…with bows of jolly


L:R. Front Row: Kate Ludwick, Jeannine Wayman, Susan Daily, Audrey Price, Dorothy Craft and Judy Williams. Second row: Nancy Wisman, Julie Neuhaus, Roberta Ludtke (under hood), Connie Risner, Tammy Porter. Back row: Patrice Johnson, Mary Wilson, Laura Morehouse, Linda Risner. Photo by Gary Green

by Patrice Johnson

Monday, Nov. 11. More than 20 intrepid members of the Stockbridge Area Garden Club braved challenging roads and slippery sidewalks to decorate the Stockbridge Township Square and Hall for the holidays.

The first snowfall of the season erased bootprints left behind members tromping to the gazebo, which now housed a newly erected 9.5-foot Concolor fir. Handmade, fresh evergreen swags with red bows adorned the gazebo’s columns. Both tree and swags were furnished compliments of Rick and Molly Howlett of Howlett Tree Farm.

Inside the hall, volunteers strung garland across the balcony and stage, hung wreaths, and brightened oversized Victorian windows with glowing snowflakes.

Afterward, the group convened in the lower level for a potluck. Here, CFO (Chief Flower Officer) Judy Williams called the meeting to order to plan the club’s next philanthropic effort.

As new business, Roberta Ludtke made a motion for the club to donate $300 to buy holiday gifts for three Stockbridge Community Outreach families in need. Motion approved unanimously. Joan Tucker, Tammy Porter and Ludtke volunteered to shop for the families’ presents.

The Stockbridge Area Garden Club, founded in 1984, meets the first Monday of each month and undertakes numerous civic projects. In addition to the activities described above, projects include spring plantings in Stockbridge and Gregory, weeding and watering the cemetery flag garden and Township Square memorial garden, donations to Friends of the library, and maintenance of the decorative flower cart at the main intersection in Stockbridge. The SAGC arranges hanging and self-standing flower baskets throughout the retail districts of Stockbridge and Gregory as well.

Members enjoy learning about flowers and flower gardening, as time permits.

Seated L-R: Connie Risner, Roberta Ludtke, Susan Daily, Nancy Wisman, Jeannine Wayman, Dorothy Craft, Joan Tucker, Tammy Porter and Audrey Price. Standing:  Julia Neuhaus, Jean Bliss, Linda Risner, Mary Wilson, Laura Morehouse. Photo by Judy Williams