Help send robotics students on an expedition to Samoa: Attend Comedy night— March 3
The Stockbridge High School InvenTeam invented a low-cost remote underwater camera and water quality monitoring system to investigate the habitat of young lamprey—an invasive species in the St. Clair River. Now, the team has been invited to participate in an expedition at the National Marine Sanctuary of American Samoa where they will conduct research, test equipment and conduct an educational outreach project Nov. 21 to Dec. 4, 2018.
You can help them raise funds to go, all while you enjoy an evening of good fun, mouthwatering food and treasures to bid on. For details about this amazing expedition that will shape young lives, see this website’s Feb. 14 posting, “Stockbridge students heading to American Samoa.”

Front Row (L-R): Hailee Fraser-Gutting, Molly Nichols, Katelyn Knieper, Kaitlin Miller, Michelle Zemke Back Row (L-R): Bob Richards, Hailey Howard, Kael Bunce, Baylee Heidrich, Sylvia Whitt, Chelsey Asquith, Julia Marhofer. Photo credit: User supplied image.