Learning + Fun = STEM

Article and photos by Judy Brune

On a warm fall day, Stockbridge grades K-4 STEM teacher Donnie Anderson wheeled a cart full of project supplies outside near the Smith Elementary playground. A few dozen excited first graders trailed behind him. It was a day the students had been looking forward to all week —  Rocket Launch Day! 

Using baking soda and vinegar, Anderson’s students took turns making the “rocket fuel,” then they cheered every liftoff. A passionate STEM educator, Anderson commented that he “strives to create an environment that is kid-friendly and creative, encouraging students to be curious.” 

“I love to hear my students say that they want to be scientists or engineers when they grow up,” Anderson shared. “As well, I am energized when students say they love their STEM class and can’t wait to come back next week.”

Stockbridge Community News captured some of the fun (and learning!).

In school, students are welcomed to STEM class with vibrant letters outside and bright and engaging materials and accents inside. Mr. Anderson’s STEM lab is a great place to learn.


Outdoors, STEM teacher Donnie Anderson explains the rocket
launch project to Ms. Grant’s first grade class.

L to R: First graders Wesley, Rylan and Timothy pour the vinegar
into the rocket insert, which is filled with baking soda, to make the “fuel.”

The group gets ready to launch the rocket!
L to R: Timothy, Rylan, Wesley, Kaysn and Mr. Anderson.

L to R: Jazlynn, Katherine, Carson and Raegan assist
Mr. Anderson in placing their rocket on the launch pad.

Students from Ms. Grant’s first grade classroom
watch from a safe distance, counting down to liftoff!


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