Ming the Magnificent performs at Stockbridge library
by Diane Rockall
Ming the Magnificent brought his special brand of sly humor and amazing magic to an attentive young crowd at the Stockbridge Branch of the Capital Area District Library on Wednesday, July 1. Ming and his magicians’ assistant – his wife, Barbara– awed the audience with such feats as having a young volunteer from the audience floating on air to making objects appear in different places without physically moving them.
Ming Louie and his wife Barbara have a special affinity for libraries, having both been librarians at one time and they promote reading throughout their shows. They travel throughout the mid-Michigan area from their home in Northville, entertaining young and old. Their appearance in Stockbridge was part of CADL’s 2019 Summer Reading Program. Weekly programs and reading logs with prizes are available to kids and adults each summer.
Upcoming Wednesday events starting at 10:30 include: Duo “Gemini,” July 24, featuring interactive songs and stories; The Universe at Your Front Door being provided by the Kalamazoo Nature Center is slated for July 31 and “Reach for the Stars,” a mini space camp will take place August 7.
In addition to these summer reading programs ,there are two remaining Arts and Crafts with Colleen for teens to tweens scheduled Offsite offerings include Activities in the Park, providing weekly stories and games on Fridays at 11 a.m. through August 16 at Veterans Park, also hosted by local artist Colleen Redfield and fund by the Friends of the Stockbridge Library. Though the summer is fleeting, it’s not too late to get out an enjoy some or all of the remaining programs. Fliers are available in the library on a regular basis for upcoming programs or more information can be found at www.cadl.org.
Photos from Mings’ performance:

Ming the Magnificent performs at Stockbridge Library, July 17.