Positive Parenting

Introducing ‘Positive Parenting,’ a resource for elevating parenting skills

by Kelsey Rasmussen and Amanda Mathews

Parenting is hard. Parenting is vitally important. We believe parents want what is best for their children, families do their best, and it takes a village to thrive.

The COVID pandemic shut down many in-person supports for families, and increasingly, children are entering school with fewer social skills and less academic readiness. “Positive Parenting” is a new, monthly column to assist in recognizing and empowering parents of children in our community who range from those too young to enroll in Stockbridge Community Schools to adolescents and those nearing graduation.

Through monthly insight, tips and activities, we aim to elevate parenting, improve parenting skills, celebrate the joy of parenthood, and help our youngsters develop, make friends, and learn to their full potential.

Stay tuned for information about Parent University: monthly, in-person gatherings supporting interested parents (dinner, guest speaker and childcare provided).

Activity highlight: Peel and slice a boiled egg. Infants and toddlers are eager to imitate mom and dad in the kitchen and can participate in cooking as infants and toddlers. Guide your child to help crack and peel the shell from a boiled egg. Cut the egg using an egg slicer or butter knife, then enjoy the reward of eating it! Take a deep breath, be patient, and expect some mess. It’s worth it!

Infants and toddlers are eager to imitate mom and dad in the kitchen and can participate in cooking as infants and toddlers. Photo by Kelsey Rasmussen

Amanda Mathews is a mother of two girls and Stockbridge’s Young 5s teacher. She has been in the early childhood field for over ten years. Her family moved to Gregory two years ago, and they love getting to be part of this amazing community.

Kelsey Rasmussen is a mother of twin toddlers and teaches computer science part time at Stockbridge High School. She and her husband moved to Stockbridge from Colorado in 2022 to raise their children in a small town near family.

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