SHS robotics team arrives in American Samoa

On the robotics team’s arrive to American Samoa, SHS student Michelle Zemke wrote, “We have finally made it to American Samoa!”
by Patrice Johnson
On the robotics team’s arrive to American Samoa, SHS student Michelle Zemke wrote, “We have finally made it to American Samoa! The team was greeted by Jo, Gene, Bel from the National Marine Sanctuary, and was given flower leis. We loaded up all of our luggage and team gear and headed over to the house. Once to the house, we unloaded the truck and ate a delicious Thanksgiving feast. Tomorrow, we will go watch a boat race, and then head to the Ocean Center to meet everyone else from the National Marine Sanctuary.
Readers may join 13 Stockbridge school explorers on SCN’s website as they join hands with students in American Samoa to explore the ocean, share knowledge, culture and a love of the ocean. to American Samoa: Joining Hands 2018 – Open Explorer