Sixth annual Beverly Penix Toy Drive a success

Jodie Hamon and Allison Powaga stand before a table loaded with donated toys.
by Bob Castle
The spirit of Christmas and that of Beverly Penix were well served Saturday night, Dec. 2 at the sixth annual Beverly Penix Toy Drive, held a the American Legion Post in Stockbridge. The event, planned by her two daughters, Jodie Hamon and Allison Powaga, was designed to collect toys for deserving children in the area, and to remember their mother who passed away in April of 2011. Beverly was an active volunteer for numerous community causes.

Jodie Hamon and Allison Powaga with Joe and Kim Medina.
“We wanted to do this because it is something that Mom would have done,” Hamon said.
Joyful Christmas music filled the air as dozens of participants filed into the hall with arms full of toys to be given to children through Stockbridge Outreach. In addition to the donated toys, the event held a 50/50 raffle, and a gift card and Christmas basket raffle. The money raised from these items will also go to Stockbridge Outreach to be used to purchase Christmas supplies for Outreach clients.

Mickey and Julie Waters with Jodie Hamon and Allison Powaga.
Mickey and Julie Waters with Jodie Hamon and Allison Powaga.
This annual event started in Hamon’s garage and quickly grew out of that space. From there it grew to the Back Street Steak House and eventually to the Legion Hall, whose members gave the event free use of the facilities.
Beverly’s family expressed appreciation to everyone who donated to make this annual event another great success.

In the background: Don Lockhart. Foreground Dave Powers with Jodie Hamon and Allison Powaga.

Pam and Dale Wright, Jodie Hamon, Jimmy and Laurie Watters, and Allison Powaga.