Sowing Inspiration ~ Larkspurs thrive in a South-facing location

Joan Tucker’s Larkspur annuals have delicate fernlike leaves and spiky purple flowers. They thrive here in a South-facing location.

Dear Readers,
The Garden Contest was read and enjoyed by many. Who doesn’t love a beautiful photo of someone’s artistic garden creation? So let’s try a new direction for a “Garden Inspiration Column.” We’re asking readers to take a photo of their garden, plant, bush or tree (or a friend’s) and share the inspiration for planting it in a few words.
Contact [email protected]. Feeling shy? Send the photo and phone number or email address, and we will reach out to you to help in sharing your inspiration. I will start the column with one of my inspirations.

Happy and peaceful gardening,
Joan Tucker

“Password to Larkspur Lane,” a Nancy Drew story, inspired me to grow Larkspurs. I became enchanted with Nancy’s description of this delicate, fernlike plant with spiky pink, purple, or white flowers that grew prolifically in the story’s cottage garden. Larkspur annuals are in the delphinium family. After multiple tries of planting them, I finally found a South-facing spot in front of my house where they thrived. Here is what I learned. The tiny seeds need to be sowed in the fall or dropped from the plant itself at the end of summer. They like to be cold first before germination. The ground shouldn’t be disturbed at the planting sight. I’m sure I weeded them out multiple times and found them difficult to transplant. I never gave up trying to grown Larkspurs and I’m glad I didn’t.