Stockbridge Area Educational Foundation annual fundraiser
by Jill Ogden
Nearly 20 years ago the Stockbridge Area Educational Foundation (SAEF) was developed to fulfill the need of supporting educational development in the Stockbridge area. The foundation achieves this through distributing grants and scholarships.

Auction item on display at Stockbridge Library; Painting donated by local professional artist Colleen Redfield, Photo credit: Colleen Redfield
In the beginning the foundation was fueled through grassroots efforts like mailings that were often funded from the pockets of the foundations founding members. Soon after SAEF received a generous donation from the Munith-Fitchburg American Legion Post 526 the first annual scholarship was established and awarded. This scholarship continues to benefit Stockbridge students to this day. SAEF raises moneys through generous private donations and endowments which have allowed the foundation to award more than $192,000 in educational grants since 2004. The foundation holds one annual fundraiser, Festival of Tables. Since conception in 2003 the event has been an overwhelming success and is usually the social event of the year in Stockbridge. The fundraiser grossed over $20,000 in it’s first year and has continued the trend grossing between $20,000 and $26,000 each year. March 23 marks the 16th annual Festival of Tables and promises to be just as successful as years past. The fundraiser boasts live entertainment, wonderful food, silent and live auctions and, of course, good company. Attendees can decorate their sponsored tables and votes are cast for first, second and third place for best table display.
For more information or to preview some of the auction items visit SAEF’s Facebook page.