Stockbridge Community Thanksgiving

Helpers working on pie at 2017 event
A wonderful burst of new volunteers from age 4 to well past that came forward to provide an admirable Community Thanksgiving to end the events 25th year and begin its 26th. Food service was provided from just before 11:30 a.m. starting time to just before 2 p.m. closing time.
The meal consisted of Turkey, gravy, mashed potatoes, stuffing, sweet potatoes, green bean casserole, salad, rolls and cranberry relish. A wide variety of cookies, brownies, and of course pies was available to finish off the meal. Beverages included coffee, water, tea, and fruit drink.
Younger volunteers were kept busy clearing tables, resetting the place settings, running errands, refilling beverages and serving dessert.
Older volunteers worked before, during and after on preparing, serving, and cleaning up. The spirit of community and sharing the day with other area residents and their guests was ever present.
Unfortunately, the counter used to register dinners served could not be located this year, but carry out and take away orders were higher than in most recent years. Onsite servings may have been slightly lower. Large quantities of excess food were packed and taken immediately after the meal to Jackson Interfaith Shelter by generous volunteers who after a long day made the trip to Jackson to deliver them.
All who participated helped in many ways and for many reasons to make the conclusion of 25 years of Community Thanksgivings memorable for all. Hope to see everyone there next year. Contributions for next years meal can be made to Stockbridge Community Schools – memo line Thanksgiving 2019 and mailed to Stockbridge Community Schools, 100 Price Ave. Suite A, Stockbridge MI 49285.