Stockbridge Soccer Routs Durand in District Opener

The Stockbridge girls’ soccer team opened district play with a 7-0 trouncing of Durand Wednesday night.

The Panthers dominated on both ends of the field pouring in seven goals and not allowing Durand a shot on goal all night.

Peyton Killinger and Haylie Steinkraus split time in net, while the defense of Hailey Howard, Krista Culver, and Josie Buetler keyed the shutout for the Panthers.

Bri Hill opened the scoring with an assist to Evelyn Ortiz-Martinez. Hill would add a second goal later in the first half for the Panthers.

Clarissa Hill and Killinger would score their first career high school goals in the contest.

“It was a real team effort with everyone tryign to get girls opportunities,” Coach Jeremy Killinger said.

Also scoring for the Panthers were Julianna Debozy, Adrianna Adkins, and Claire Beauregard. Shailynn Walker and Kaitlin Miller picked up assists for the Panthers.

Stockbridge improved to 6-5-3 on the season. They will take on Williamston Tuesday night at 7:00 PM at Williamston.



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