April 15, 2019

Stockbridge Township Supervisor CG Lantis called the Regular Stockbridge Township Board Meeting to order on April 15, 2019 at 7:32 pm at the Stockbridge Township Hall. Members present at the Stockbridge Township Regular Board Meeting; Supervisor CG Lantis, Clerk Becky Muraf, Treasurer Kris Lauckner, Trustee Ed Wetherell Trustee Terry Sommer Member absent from meeting: None

Pledge of Allegiance Lead by Leah Ogden

Moment of Silence

Citizen’s Comments None

Sommer motion to accept the Stockbridge Township Regular meeting agenda as written Wetherell second All in Favor Motion Carried.

Sommer motion to except the Stockbridge Township Board Meeting Minutes as printed from March 18, 2019 Wetherell Second All in Favor Motion Carried

Sommer Motion to accept The Stockbridge Township 2019-2020 Budget meeting as printed Lauckner Second All in Favor Motion Carried

Wetherell motion to accept the March 27, 2019 Budget Hearing as printed with the correction of the second from last line in the fourth paragraph change Sommer Second to Wetherell Second. Sommer Second with corrections  All in Favor Motion Carried

Sommer motion to accept the Stockbridge Township Financial Report as printed Lauckner Second All in Favor Motion Carried

Stockbridge Township Building Department first Quarterly report for 2019 is as followed Zoning 7 New Permits, Building 10 New Permits ( 2 New Houses/ 4 Pole Barns/2 Re-roof/1 Garage/1 Window), Electrical 2 New Permits, Mechanical 6 New Permits, Plumbing 0 New Permits, Driveways 2 New Permits, Addresses 2 New Permits, Demolition 0 New Permits.

Old Business:

Blueprints for Stockbridge Township Renovations are being worked on and should be done by July 1, 2019

Sommer motion to have Lantis contact Dean Boyce to fixt the humidifier water drain in the Stockbridge Township Old Fire Hall  with a limit of $ 300.00 Lauckner Second All in Favor Motion Carried

Stockbridge Township is still education themselves on Marihuana

New Business:

Lauckner motion to add Ag use (provide Proof) to the Stockbridge Township Zoning, Building & Address Permit Application  Sommer Second AL in Favor Motion Carried

Sommer Motion to accept new building fees as followed Zoning Permit Administration fee to $30.00, Addresses Administration fee to $30.00, Driveway Permit Administration fee to $30.00, Deck & Porches & Additions Plan review-Deck to $60.00, Pole Barn Plan Review to $ 60.00. Roll Call Vote Sommer Yes, Lauckner Yes, Wetherell Yes, Muraf Yes, Lantis Yes All in Favor Motion Carried

Sommer motion that Stockbridge Township hire Jim Eccelton to take care of the Stockbridge Township square and Library Lawn Wetherell Second All in Favor Motion Carried

Sommer motion to trust Lantis’s judgement to look at bids on both trees since planting time is getting short Wetherell Second All in Favor Motion Carried

Lantis motion to allow MS Bike Ride to use the square on July 20, 2019 thru July 21, 2019 Sommer Second All in Favor Motion Carried

Sommer motion to pay Stockbridge Township bills in the amount of $23,428.18 Lauckner Second All in Favor Motion Carried

Lantis motion to adjourn the Stockbridge Township Regular Board meeting at 9:10 PM Lauckner Second All In Favor Motion Carried


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