Stockbridge Township meeting minutes Dec. 18



Stockbridge Township Supervisor CG Lantis called the Regular Stockbridge Township Board Meeting to order on December 18, 2017 at 7:28pm at the Stockbridge Township Hall. Members present at the meeting Supervisor CG Lantis, Clerk Becky Muraf, Treasurer Kris Lauckner, Trustee Terry Sommer, Trustee Ed Wetherell. Member absent from meeting: None

Pledge of Allegiance was lead by Smith Elementary school student Jonathon Hayes

Moment of Silence: 7:29pm

Sommer motion to accept the agenda with the amendment of Supervisor CG Lantis meeting with Outreach added to it and the purchase of Urea or Calcium Chloride Wetherell second All in favor Motion Carried

Citizen’s Comments: Discussion

Sommer motion to accept the Stockbridge Township Board meeting minutes from November 20, 2017 as printed Wetherell second All in favor Motion Carried

Sommer motion to accept the Stockbridge Township Financial Report as printed Lauckner second. Sommer wanted to discuss the bill from Biomedical Solution from servicing the defibulators Sommer questioned the fact that we were charged the sales tax on the parts that needed to be replaced Muraf will call and follow up on if the Township should have been charged the sales tax or not. All in Favor Motion Carried

Old Business:  Wetherell is working on the Weather Siren Muraf and Wetherell are going to sit down this week and try to get ahold of the Ingham County Road Commission and see the status of the permits that were faxed to them.

Lantis has talked with Titan trash and we are just waiting for them to drop the recycling bins off at L & B Outlets for the residents to use.

New Business:  Dustin Moore from Burnham & Flower went over Stockbridge Township insurance renewal for 2018 It is going to cost $15,291 Stockbridge Township Board will add on Casualty Limited Terrorism Coverage for $67.00 additional and add on Property Limited Terrorism Coverage for an additional $65.00 Insurance coverage total will cost $15,423.00 for 2018 Roll call vote Sommer Yes, Lauckner Yes, Wetherell Yes, Muraf Yes, And Lantis Yes. All in favor Motion carried

Lauckner motion to pay the Stockbridge Township Board bills in the amount of $ 14,268.88 Sommer second All in favor Motion Carried

Lantis meet with some of the Outreach board members last week and went on a tour of the current Fire Station with them. SAESA is in the process of purchasing the old Ford Dealership and will move the Ambulance and the Fire Station into it. No decisions have been made on what will happen with the Old Fire Station as of yet. Lantis Sommer and Wetherell will start a committee to work on this project.

Urea has gone up in price over the last year Stockbridge Township will be purchasing Calcium Chloride saving around $400.00 from the prior winter t for this year.

Citizen Comments:  Discussion

Supervisor Lantis had adjourned the Stockbridge Township Board at 8:36pm Sommer second All in favor motion Carried