The Open Air Market is on the Town Square: July 5

The Open Air Market of Stockbridge began its 14th season this spring. We’re on the township square in downtown Stockbridge from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Each week into October, we will have a full line up of Market Music.

Items at the Market include: produce, honey, eggs, maple syrup, dried herbs, baked goods, art, handcrafts, candles, soaps, lotions, and more.

Market Music, featuring Greg Zee Guitar & Vocals, is from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. Greg’s music is influenced by just about everything: Sting, Tears for Fears, Da Da, Weather Report, Moody Blues and more.

CindyLu Kitchen is our Food Truck this week.

*SAVE THE DATE: July 12, 2024. Jazz band “Generations” will help us celebrate “Suzi Celebration Day” during normal Market hours.

Meet us at the Market each week!

For more info please email:  [email protected]