Independent, ‘Independence Day Celebration’, hosted by the Tarr Family of Patterson Lake
By Tina Cole-Mullins
In a time when public and community Independence day celebrations are becoming nostalgic memories, Patterson Lake’s annual fireworks celebration continues to grow. Hosted by Jack Tarr, his wife Theresa, their children and grandchildren. Their annual 4th of July celebration has become a true family affair and is open to the public.
When asked how long they have been hosting the Patterson Lake fireworks, Tarr thought back “It has been at least 35 years that we have put on a notable show.”
It wasn’t intended to be such an extravaganza, but each year a friendly little game of who could put on the best show for their large families began to play out between the Tarrs and their neighbors Bob and Joan Engle
Tarr shared some history of how it all began.“Well, you know I have a large bunch of kids and grand kids – Bob and Joan have even more, until one year Bob said we should join together for one show. Bob is no longer with us but his wife Joan and her family continue to help out.”
For many it’s just a celebration but to the Tarr family and those who help, it is an event that takes months of preparation with year round planning.
“It takes our whole family to make this happen,” shared Theresa Tarr, crediting their six children, their spouses and grandchildren.
One primary aspect Jack Tarr points out is scheduling. “I always take into consideration when other local communities have their shows, and try to have it so it does not conflict and take away from their event. Typically it works out for the Saturday before the 4th, but that can not always be the case like this year with the holiday falling on a Thursday it just worked out best to have it on the 4th.”
“The arming of the mortars can be a tedious job, taking three days to stage.” Tarr’s points out that his daughter Tina Mosley is licensed through the ATF to set-up and fire the explosives. Tina wires the mortars to the remote controller with 76 launch buttons in order to arrange the the 30-40 minute show.
When asked how much it cost to host an event like this privately, it was to no surprise Tarr stated “It’s not something I like to really keep track of -it’s not about money. I love seeing my family and friends happy.”
The community has joined together the past three years with private donations to help defray costs..
Following this years festivities thoughts are now on the Patterson Lake 2020 celebration. Keep your eyes out for local announcements via social media, and local businesses for fliers.

Patterson Lake 4th of July

Tarr Family

Theresa and Jack Tarr