The Market is on the Town Square: June 2

The Open Air Market of Stockbridge began its 13th season on Friday, May 5, on the township square in downtown Stockbridge from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Each week into October, we will have a full line up of Market Music.

Our vendors for Opening Day are:

Betty’s Bounty
Beemers honey & eggs
Genei Sugarbush maple syrup
NPC Kettle Corn
Suzi’s bread, pies, cookies and coffee cake
Samuel’s Soaps, lotions, candles and purses
Songbird Blooms
Carolyn’s Whimsical Art
Doug’s Far East shell art and jewelry
Colleen’s acrylic art

Market Music features Kevin Brown and Jud Branam from 5:30 to 7 p.m.

K&D’s Southern Fixins’ Food Truck feeds us this week.

SRSLY joins us today too!

Meet us at the Market!

For more information or to become a vendor, contact Suzi at 517-851-7437.