You’re invited to participate in County Response to Mental health Crises Virtual Presentation

by Patrice Johnson

NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness for the Lansing area, is hosting a virtual presentation March 9 and 10 on the Tri County Response to Mental Health Crises.

According to volunteer Greta deWolf, in addition to discussions on the needs in the community, the presentation will include the documentary, “Ernie and Joe: Crisis Cops,” two San Antonio officers trained in dealing with persons in crisis.

“We are planning to have an update from the Tri County Crisis Intervention Team,” deWof said, “and discussions on what more we as community can do to help those in a mental health crisis.”

Presentations are scheduled as follows:

  1. March 9, 3:00 p.m. Video, comments by Ernie who will be on the call, the NAMI crisis intervention team (CIT), and volunteers involved in the Children’s Mobile Crisis Unit. There will be time for Q & A from the community.
  2. March 10, 3:00 p.m. Open discussion on Connecting Community Resources to the person.
  3. March 10, 7:00 p.m. Same as No. 1 with hopes of having more community members join.

“Our main goal is to inform the public of our CIT team and how one can access it in times of mental health emergency,” deWolf said. The presentation is free but persons need to register.

For registration and info go to or email us at