Inclement Weather and School Closing Decisions
from the desk of Superintendent Karl Heidrich As the winter season approaches it sometimes becomes...
5 Healthy Towns Foundation and Michigan Health Endowment Fund Team Up to Evaluate Impact
November 27, 2017 - Michigan Health Endowment Fund (The Health Fund) has contracted with the...
Looking Back
by Diane Rockall December brings the celebration of Christmas and New Year’s Eve, the...
Village of Stockbridge Meeting Minutes October 2, 2017
Meeting called to order by President Hollenbeck at 7:00 pm. Roll Call: PRESENT: President Robert...
When Drinking from the Cup of Holiday Cheer Leaves a Bitter Taste
by Tina Cole-Mullins Whether to say Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays leads the political correctness...
Sixth Annual Festival of Lights Brings Cheer and Joy to Stockbridge Residents
Article and photos by Hope Salyer Christmas music flows through the breeze of the crisp...
December Bond Update
by Karl Heidrich We continue to be pleased with the finishing touches of our building...
Stockbridge Community Thanksgiving 2017: 24 Years of Warming Hearts and Bodies
by Diane Rockall Work goes on year around as volunteers gather donations and recruit helping...
Stockbridge Township Board Meeting Minutes
NOVEMBER 20, 2017 Stockbridge Township Supervisor CG Lantis called the Regular Stockbridge Township Board Meeting...